Juliane Ebner - Lines Fiction ★ Drawing & Animation ★

Juliane Ebner

Juliane Ebner

I was lucky to see the decline of the suppressing social order that was strong when I was born. And to this day this downfall for me is a great and formative experience that doesn’t lose its power and attraction. The specific of our generation is that we lived through very radical changes in a comparatively comfortable way, and that we experienced being in the focus of world history with our lives, knowing that history can be very destructive when it comes to situations of radical change.
This is what my trilogy “Klack” is about; recent german history. I’m telling about my childhood and youth, and it’s inseparable from the history of our nation. “Knallerbsenbusch” my animation from 2012 is about my childhood in the dictatorship, “Alles Offen” is about the phase before the fall of the Berlin wall, the moment that induced this fall.
