Serge Onnen - Lines Fiction ★ Drawing & Animation ★

Serge Onnen

Serge Onnen

Serge Onnen: Making a phenaticoscope is still a lot of drawing. But the strength is that it all fits together in one image. I like Art to be a powerful image. DEPOSIT is about recycling empty bottles. Recycling & rotation are similar movements. The system of deposit for bottles is based on the idea that you take good care of the empty bottle because you just borrowed it from the store in exchange for some small change. A financial transaction where nothing is really bought. While with the system of recycling your are expected to do the total opposite: Destroy the bottle in public. The difference between these two systems is really drastic. At the Lidl in Berlin, close to the studio where I was working then, I saw a machine that combined these two acts; So that was confusing, funny and interesting. Perfect elements to make an art piece.
